The Kay Family Association UK


The Kay Family Association welcomes new members. Whether you are an experienced family history researcher or a newcomer setting out to uncover your Kay(e) roots the Kay Family Association may have what you are looking for.

  • We are no longer able to produce regular publications, but articles and items of interest are sent to members electronically.
  • Members have access to the Kay(e) archives and assistance with their Kay(e) family history research. We encourage members to contribute the results of their own research to the archives.
  • Our AGM is held on Zoom, accompanied by a talk. Other talks and workshops are arranged over the year.


Click here to download an application form
Click here to download a membership renewal form

We charge a small fee for membership to pay for our web site and other running costs. Click on the link below to see the rates.

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Renewable 1st January each year

New members joining after 1st July need only pay half the full year rate to join.

UK subscriptions

£5 at one UK address.

Overseas subscriptions

The annual subscriptions rate for overseas members is fixed at the equivalent of £5 sterling and will vary from time to time due to fluctuations in exchange rates. Current rates are:

New Zealand

Please download and complete the application form, and send it to the Membership Secretary. Alternatively, a scanned image of the completed form can be sent to:

Electronic payment is preferred (quote your name as the reference); otherwise please enclose your cheque payable to ‘Kay Family Association UK‘ with the form.